Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I came up with this idea a while back but never posted it anywhere - didn't really know of any place to post it, still don't really, so it's going here because I may try to write this myself at some point.

The Replacement Fic - It goes like this. Take the characters/actors from one fandom and put them in the roles of characters in another fandom. I'm sure it's been done before, but I haven't read much of it I don't think. For instance, the one I kinda wanted to do was the LotR cast in the roles of CSI: Vegas characters. Both relatively large ensemble casts, thought it might work out kinda interestingly. Or for something smaller-scale, take say, Dom and Bill and make them Jay and Silent Bob. Dom and Silent Bill? That was another I was thinking about.
The idea was really just to get the creative juices going again because I haven't written anything substantial in over a week I think, but I think it could prove to be fun to write too.

So since I don't get too many visitors here I guess it's just a challenge for myself unless I find a place to post it, but, if you happen across here and want to take a stab at it, I'd love to read what you come up with.

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