Friday, July 27, 2007

Best email thread ever. Our friend Jimbo wins at life.

hi. i have the ok from ray that i can throw a halloween party oct.27. i will make appetizers and desserts. costumes of course are encouraged. please pass the word, i don't know that ray will. thanks.

MaryBeth and I are in.
Who else?

I guess i'm in.

who wants to organize a trio of Spanish Inquisition cardinals with me?

Ange, you just ruined it. Now people are going to be expecting the Spanish Inquisition. The chief weapon is surprise....surprise and fear...fear and surprise....the two chief weapons are fear and surprise....and ruthless efficiency....

Oh yeah, and I guess we'll go. But not as any Python, Monty characters.

me again:
Jimbo, you win at life.

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